Who We Are
NCCU Alumni Association
Beginning with its first known president, Richard L. McDougald ’18, the alumni association has served the University for nearly 85 years. The objectives and purpose of the Association are to promote the spirit of fellowship among its graduates and past students, and to strengthen their relations with the University. Articles of incorporation were filed on July 28, 1969 with the North Carolina Department of The Secretary of State, signed by H. M. Michaux Jr., B.T. McMillon, and Robert L. McAdams.
The North Carolina Central University Alumni Association, Inc. (NCCUAA) has awarded numerous scholarships on the local and national level, provided resources and support to the University, recruited students and provided countless hours of community service in the name of Dear Old N.C.C. As we look to the next century, NCCUAA will preserve and continue the legacy, playing a vital role in helping Eagles past, present, and future remain connected to the University held so dear to our hearts.
Presidents of the National Alumni Association Officers of the Association are elected at the annual meeting for a term of two years or until a successor is elected. The president serves as the official spokesperson of the Association, presiding at all meetings, serving as an ex-officio member of all committees, and representing the Association at University events and programs.
We’re a proud, elite group of people that even after our time at NCCU, we remain tied to it—and each other. As proud members of the NCCU Alumni Association, we volunteer, network, give, and share the spirit of ‘Dear Old NCC’ throughout our lives.

Officers of the Chapter & The Executive Committee Members

Nikki Davis Green '98
Executive Committee, Chairperson

Nykole Wyatt '00 & '03
Vice President
Executive Committee, Member

Joseph Starr '98
Executive Committee, Member

Tashia Jones '01
Executive Committee, Member

Priscilla Greene '83
Financial Secretary
Executive Committee, Member

LaToya Hedgspeth '98
Corresponding Secretary
Executive Committee, Member

Jasmine Gardner '21
Recording Secretary
Executive Committee, Member

Leroy Wray '00
Assistant Treasurer
Executive Committee, Member

Merl Jones '76
Past Chapter President 19 - 21
Executive Committee, Member

Morris McAdoo '00
Executive Committee, Member

Lashika Williams '07
Executive Committee, Member

Leslie Baldwin '89
Executive Committee, Member